September Genealogy To-Do List

* Source all O’Shaughnessy findings so I can look at what I know and be ready to share it with a new contact.
* Continue to search for and correspond with Scheier living relatives – send a message to the general JewishGen listserv about my questions.
* Develop research plan forms as presented by Marian Pierre-Louis in her webinar (this could be considered Organization but should further my goal of researching more effectively and efficiently) [I got nothing done on this task so am leaving it on for September. Maybe the Fall will be more conducive to this work.]

* Empty inbox on desk: sort, source, enter in appropriate database and put away. [I *finally* got the pile of papers on the desk finished. One inbox to go and my desk is pretty much cleared for the Fall!]

* Continue learning how to use Clooz3; I watched the intro videos, and am following the listserv with interest. Working on putting what I have learned to use.
* Watch one online video or webinar about genealogy. [I got really carried away in August and did not only the 2 I had pre-registered for – one on using wikis and the other on using the Library of Congress online site and resources but a series of three on getting started with house history that Marian Pierre-Louis offered. And then I listened to Judy G. Russell, the Legal Genealogist, present about circumstantial evidence, over at my old stand-by Legacy Family Tree webinars. I learned so much in August!]

I am not employed by or in any way affiliated with any of the companies or services I have mentioned in this posting. I mention specific names or products that I have used and liked.

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