May Genealogy To-Do

In April I managed to:

1. Finish renaming all the computer files in my Salt surname folder and sub-folders, and started adding birth-marriage-death evidence to my direct ancestors and a couple of closely related people.  Yay!!

2. Make a lot of progress on one of the two new family trees I’m creating for the upcoming Fall wedding.  This is a family that had lots of children in each generation and although I won’t use all the information for the new display tree I want to create for the couple, I do want all the information in the database.

3. Finish the first draft of transcribing the William Boorman will.  There are still places where I had trouble reading the handwriting so it isn’t complete yet.

For the coming month of May, I will:

1. Finish adding all my direct Salt ancestors vital information from my computer files and Evernote.  Trying to decide whether to do the same level of adding with my other direct ancestors before trying to complete a surname.  It all needs to be added to my RootsMagic database and it is starting to make sense to me that I should focus on the direct ancestors first.  (Maybe there will be somewhat fewer Bright Shiny Objects and rabbit holes that way!)

2. Go back to the Boorman will, having left it for a few days, to see if I can decipher any of the words I couldn’t read the first time around.  I wish I had someone to put a fresh pair of eyes on this one – my will expert in Sussex was very helpful for the Denman and Martin wills.  I will try to think about who might be willing.

3. Continue to work on the latest up-coming-wedding family trees.  I have a good start but want to get it finished with plenty of time to figure out how to present it.

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