Elinor Brown
It is possible to explore family history and understand it reasonably well, family, on the other hand, is always a mystery. The problem with trying to understand your own family is that you were a child when you …
It is possible to explore family history and understand it reasonably well, family, on the other hand, is always a mystery. The problem with trying to understand your own family is that you were a child when you …
Research * Continue to look for birth, death, marriage records for Margaret, John, Tilford, William S., John Charles Earhart. * Get the pension file for Tilford Earhart, filed by his mother Margaret. * Send for more copies of original records …
For our GRIP course we were asked to describe a research problem for discussion with the class. I wrote up the basics of what I knew about Mary/Elizabeth Earhart (or Hockman) Boothby. I included the information I have posted here …
It seems like I didn’t accomplish much of my goals in August. I think I got distracted by my trip to Maine and everything else fell by the wayside last month. I am determined to get back on track this …
As I said I was going to in my August To-Do list, I went on a short road trip with my sister to Maine. My main goal was to begin to explore the resources available in Maine for researching family …